Mountainside Medical Center’s sponsorship program is committed to partnering with organizations in the communities we serve. Apart from the valuable hours our staff, administration and physicians donate to non-profit organizations, schools, community events, and health clinics, we annually make significant contributions to local education, healthcare and charitable organizations.
Application Process
We receive several sponsorship requests annually and each request is evaluated against established sponsorship criteria with preference given to events and programs in our community that have a health-related focus or whose work is complementary to Mountainside’s mission.
We Look Favorably on Sponsorship Proposals that:
- Touch the lives of families we serve
- Improve the health and well-being of our community
- Enhance and build relationships
- Provide positive exposure for Mountainside Medical Center
- Promote public awareness in areas that we serve
Ineligible Activities:
- We do not sponsor individuals participating in events
- Political candidates or organizations
- Travel expense
- Religious activities
Each request must be accompanied by a completed W-9 form. You may download a blank W-9 form here, and attach the completed form when you submit the Sponsorship form below.
If we grant your sponsorship request, we encourage you to provide us with photos so we can share certain sponsorship memories on our social medial channels. Photos can be mailed to Marketing. Please include name of event sponsored in the subject line and include any event information we may need so we can share the image appropriately.
Mountainside Medical Center Sponsorship Information and Application
We appreciate your online submission of either in-kind of monetary sponsorship requests.
Please email sponsorship requests along with W9 and associated documentation to