Home » Tips on How to Prevent Memory Loss

Tips on How to Prevent Memory Loss

Dr. Ki-Sook Yoo photo

The human brain has the capacity to learn new information and improve memory at any age. This is known as Neuroplasticity. Based on clinical studies a diet that includes antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables can protect the brain from cell damage. Diet’s high in saturated fats like fatty and or processed foods can increase the risk of memory loss and dementia. Physical exercise can increase blood flow to the brain which will allow the increase of nutrients such as oxygen and glucose to the brain cell.

The brain works out by stimulating the brain cells. This is done by learning new skills, studying new languages, listening to music, playing instruments, and trying out new hobbies such as Yoga. 

Stress has been linked to brain cell damage and memory loss. To avoid stress try getting a good night’s sleep, this will assist in restoring the brain cells. It is also recommended that you socialize, spend time with friends and family and most importantly laugh and be happy.

Learn the signs, symptoms and treatments for memory loss at a free memory assessment clinic to be held Thursday, March 22, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., at the Health Department offices, third floor, 205 Claremont Avenue, Montclair. Memory assessments will be provided.

Registration is required, please call 973-429-4970 to register.

Dr. Ki-Sook Yoo is a Behavior Health Specialist at Mountainside Medical Center.