Help stop
the flu & coronavirus too

Don’t Bug Me is a fun campaign designed to equip elementary students with the tools to keep the spread of germs at a minimum. By following the guidelines and messages set forth in the Don’t Bug Me campaign, you can help stop the flu & coronavirus, too! You can download Don’t Bug Me materials here for free.

Wash Your Hands

Use soap and warm water and wash for 20 seconds.

Get flu and COVID shots

Vaccines help keep you safe.

Cover your cough

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue and throw it away.

Find a flu shot clinic near you

The best protection against the flu is an annual flu vaccine. It is recommended for everyone age six months and older. Find a clinic near you:

Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine and Booster

Hackensack Meridian is offering COVID-19 vaccines at number of convenient locations.
Please visit for more information.